Journal VOL. 1 NO. 1, June. 2021, ISSN: 2811 - 2393
Covid-19: An Assessment of Natural Disaster effect on Operational Performance of Oil and Gas Marketing Firms in Lagos State, Nigeria
Olawore Olusegun Paul, Alli Adewale Ismail, Oduwole Wahid Kolawole, Olaniyan Sunday Michael
Competition is no longer at organisation level but at industry level hence any disruption can not only impact organisation but also affect an entire industry. The paper examined the effect of natural disaster (Covid-19) on operational performance of petroleum marketing firms in Lagos State. The purpose of the study was to examine the associations between natural disasters and operational performance of aviation fuel marketing firms. The study proposed natural disaster (coronavirus) as the predictor variable while operational performance as the criterion variable with product availability, quality, delivery, and cost of operation as measures of the criterion variable. The descriptive research design was adopted for the study while, the simple regression analysis was used to test the proposition. The study revealed that COVID-19 had positive and significant effect on operational performance of aviation-fuel marketing firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study recommends that Aviation-fuel marketing firms should be proactive by adopting enterprise risk management to mitigate the effect of natural disasters on their operations.
Keywords: Coronavirus, Operational performance, Aviation fuel marketing firms, Lagos

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