A Publication of Post Graduate School



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Journal VOL. 1 NO. 2, July. 2022, ISSN: 2811 - 2393

African Union Development Agency and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA -NEPAD) in Economic Development of Nigeria: Rivers and Bayelsa States in Perspective

Sapele Frank Funkeye, Etire John George, Macbere Ubonso Jacob



This study examined the African Union Development Agency - The New Partnership for African’s Development (AUDA -NEPAD) and its challenges in the development of Nigeria: The Rivers and Bayelsa States in perspective was developed as an economic programme under the African Union Commission and it was initiated by the former President of Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the former Presidents of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo, Senegal Abdoulaye Wade and South Africa Thabo Mbeki. NEPAD was fully adopted during the 37th Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in July 2001 at Lusaka, Zambia with four core objectives, namely, to eradicate poverty, promote sustainable growth and development, integrate Africa in the world economy and accelerate the empowerment of women. Thereafter, the resolution of the UN General Assembly also supported NEPAD framework as the main channel for the UN to actually render assistance to Africa. In January 2010, the NEPAD structures were fully integrated into the African Union as the planning and coordinating agency before it was changed to the African Union Development Agency at the eleventh extraordinary session of the Assembly of the African Union in November 2018 to be a vehicle in order to better the implementation of the African Union Agenda of 2063. This study investigates the reasons AUDA-NEPAD has not fully solved the development problems in Nigeria; to analyze the main problem of AUDA-NEPAD in achieving its set goals and to proffer useful suggestions for the way forward. The study adopts qualitative technique and employed content analysis. The theoretical framework adopted for this research was the Blueprint theory. The study notes that AUDA-NEPAD has not fully achieved its main targets in Nigeria which is to solve the country’s developmental needs, AUDA-NEPAD-Nigeria lacks enabling law to deliver its programmes across the states and it also suffers from inadequate funding and lack of political will towards AUDA-NEPAD programmes and activities in Nigeria. The study therefore, recommends among others for the prompt and sustained implementation of AUDA-NEPAD priorities, programmes and policies, execute developmental goals under the AUDA-NEPAD programmes and importantly pass into law and assent the AUDA-NEPAD-Nigeria commission bill.

Keywords: AUDA-NEPAD, Development, Economic growth, Rivers state, Bayelsa state.

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