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Journal VOL. 1 NO. 2, July. 2022, ISSN: 2811 - 2393

Nigeria and the War against Terrorism: The Scourge of Unending Boko Haram's Insurgency

Adeniyi Oluwasegun Thaddaeus



Nigeria, just like any other nation across the globe is facing adverse security concerns arising from the increasing globalization of national cultures, governments and economies. Nigeria is presently at loggerheads with the menacing onslaughts from the invading Jama’atul Ahlus Sunnah Lid daawati wal Jihad popularly known as Boko Haram, which means ‘western education is forbidden’. In northern and central Nigeria, at least 30,000 people have been killed, and millions of peoples have been displaced by alleged Boko Haram militants since July 2009. The gang has perpetrated terrible crimes such as murder, abduction, sexual violence, forced labour, forced conscription of girls and women, looting, and burning public buildings (such as schools), personal property (such as farmland), and in some cases entire villages. These abuses are regularly staged against Nigerians, claiming their aim is to get rid of the nation's corrupt and abusive leadership and then impose what they term religious purity. The article examines the atrocities committed by the Islamist organization as well as the response from the Nigerian security forces, whose actions against the violence sometimes violated international human rights norms and has sparked additional attacks from the insurgents. The group’s series of unprecedented attacks run contrary to the national interest and security doctrines of Nigeria. Expectedly, it is expedient that every serious and responsible government have to take these challenges seriously. The Nigerian military, with assistance from Benin, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger has pushed Boko Haram out of several provinces in northeastern Nigeria, but the group retains control over some villages and pockets of territory and continues to launch deadly suicide attacks and abduct civilians, mostly women and children.

Keywords: National Interest, Globalization, Security, Organization, Violence.

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